With many years of experience and expertise to share, Chemtrade is here to help you select the right product for your requirements. We are continually developing our product offering while working with our customers to improve performance, drive efficiency and enhance product quality.
Chemtrade’s products are used across a large range of major industries:
It takes chemicals to make chemicals. Many Chemtrade chemicals are used as raw materials by our customers to manufacture a number of important, widely used chemical products including hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, and many other industrial chemicals.
Pulp & Paper
Chemtrade is a major supplier of chemicals used in various stages of the Pulp & Paper manufacturing process. We provide bleaching products for brightening and whitening; coagulants to eliminate pitch and particles in the process; and water purification products for both process- and effluent- water treatment.
Supplying a growing and demanding industry, Chemtrade’s UltraPure Sulphuric Acid is used for etching and cleaning silicon wafers in the production of semi-conductors and for reagent grade applications.
Chemtrade supplies a number of surface treatment and cleaning products to the Metals industry. The processes supported include the efficient preparation of steel surfaces for painting; a cyanide-free gold-plating method; and other applications.
Food & Beverage
Our contribution to the Food & Beverage industry includes an antioxidant additive to cure meats and prevent meat spoilage. Used as an ingredient in curing brines, Sodium Nitrite acts as a colour fixative and inhibits botulism-causing bacteria growth. We also offer antioxidant additives to prevent the spoiling of vegetables and wine.
Chemtrade’s reducing chemicals are used in the fibre dyeing, machine cleaning and clearing processes; and our water treatment chemicals assist in process water reuse and effluent treatments.
An issue in Poultry farming is the ammonia gas released from bird excrement. The ammonia gas has a detrimental effect on the health and well-being of newly hatched chicks. These effects on bird health can collectively result in elevated physiological stress and poor growth. Chemtrade produces and markets a number of litter-treatment amendment products (suitable for different environmental conditions) to mitigate the production of ammonia gas.
Chemtrade produces acids for use in the production of phosphate fertilizers, micronutrient additives for fertilizer blends, and additives that, in soil applications, release products that form small amounts of acid, lowering the soil’s pH balance, while also contributing essential nitrogen for plant growth.
Water Treatment
Serving both the municipal drinking water and wastewater industries, we offer products used for dechlorination, phosphorus removal, odour control, and sludge conditioning; as well as a range of coagulants that remove suspended impurities in various treatment applications.
Chemtrade manufactures a variety of chemicals that are essential in the production and recycling of lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries.
Battery ChemicalsOil & Gas
Chemtrade products have many applications in the Oil & Gas industry. We produce a de-waxing agent to remove hydrocarbons that can solidify and interfere with the production process of lubricating oil base stocks with low pour points. The fracking industry uses our products to help open underground shale fractures. And in petroleum refining, our Sulphuric Acid is used as a catalyst in the production of gasoline, and the spent acid is returned to our facility to be regenerated and returned for reuse.
Chemtrade products are used in the Mining industry to assist in the leaching of ores to extract metals. We also manufacture products that act as flotation aides to assist in the removal of contaminants.